DVNP: 23 Skidoo 

That early 1900's catch phrase was just what the inhabitants of this fabulously rich gold strike wanted to name their town. After all, they felt that people should skedaddle off to this Midas-like locale high in the Panamints to have a really good time! The U. S. Post Office, however, felt that such a slang term simply wasn't fitting. The Skidoovians, not to be foiled, simply decided to drop the 23 and go with Skidoo. The rest is history. From our back country camp of last night we plan to visit Skidoo today. First, though, we're on the lookout for some petroglyphs incised into a striking rock formation that Dezdan told us about. After that, we'll make a few stops to visit some smaller mines before arriving at Skidoo and its famously photogenic mill. We're hoping that an exploration of the site of the old town itself might turn up some nice historic artifacts and a side trip to the site of the old cemetery is also in order. Finally, a late afternoon reconnoiter of the scenic Argenta Mine in Wood Canyon will wrap up a picturesque day in Death Valley. So, tie your flapper to your fliver and let's 23 Skidoo!