Avawatz Mountains Cabin to Saratoga Springs 
It's Thanksgiving and we're once again in southern Death Valley with the Lizardmobile slowly climbing up an alluvial fan into the northern Avawatz Mountains. We've never been to the cabin there or to the springs adjacent to it. Today we'll check 'em out! It's a scenic location, so we're glad you're along for the trip. A short hike will also take us up to an old talc mine with some expansive vistas of the Amargosa spreading out below it. We had been warned to not venture too far into those talc mines. We'll show you why. Then, we're off toward the Ibex Hills and Saratoga Springs. We'll get there late in the afternoon, but with enough sunset glow to explore this exquisite historic desert oasis. Let's get goin' by clicking on the photo link below.