Beyond Butcher's Cave - Joshua Tree National Park 

If you joined us for the trip to Joshua Tree National Park's enigmatic Butcher's Cave site, you'll remember that on the hike back to the truck we vowed to return to the area to see what else is out there. Well, today's the day! Once again, Niki and Jamie are joined by Dave for this outing into the wilds of JTNP. You already know that there will be some spectacular scenery. The big question is, will we be able to locate any archaeological sites amidst the meandering canyons and boulder choked washes? Just to give you a hint, the answer is yes! In fact, one of the sites we'll visit is without a doubt the best Native American site that we've seen so far in JTNP!
This isn't going to be a hike for the out of shape couch potato, though. You're going to have to travel light, so empty the change and car keys from your pocket. Nutrition will also be important so grab a beer and a fresh bag of Cheetos from the kitchen. Now we're talkin'. Also, save your energy by clicking just hard enough to make the mouse work. You're going to be doing some major boulder scrambling today and you'll need to conserve your strength. Ready, then? Let's scoot those chairs up to the monitor and click on the photo link below to get started!