Brown Buttes to Trojan: A Mojave

According to Webster, to ramble is to follow an irregularly winding course of motion. We did that! We left Highway 40 at Kelbaker Road and turned south to begin our adventure by exploring the nearby Brown Buttes. Then it was west on the pipeline road and up into the southern Bristol Mountains to the Orange Blossom mine. Sadly, as we drove up the wash below the mill foundation, we found that it was posted "No Trespassing." So we got creative and began an open ended "ramble" that took us to some seldom visited spots. Have you ever been to the Propane Tank prospect, an old copper and gold mine? How about the scenic "Gush" cabin? Have you explored the ruins of the site of Trojan just off of the National Trails Highway? Well, if these locations have eluded you, it's time to load up the truck and take a trip with us! Click on the photo link below to begin our adventure.