JTNP: Eagle Mountains Mines, Cabins and Ruins - Mystery Mine

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Little is known about the Mystery Mine other than that gold and silver ore was mined in the 1930's from several trenches, shafts and adits.  This stacked stone tent cabin foundation, and another a short distance further up the canyon, seem to be the ruins of the mine camp.  We're a little disappointed that there's no sign of the small metal cabin that we hoped to find.  However, there are lots of trails and it still might turn up!

Little is known about the Mystery Mine other than that gold and silver ore was mined in the 1930's from several trenches, shafts and adits. This stacked stone tent cabin foundation, and another a short distance further up the canyon, seem to be the ruins of the mine camp. We're a little disappointed that there's no sign of the small metal cabin that we hoped to find. However, there are lots of trails and it still might turn up!

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