Easter Wash Petroglyphs

Come on, Niki, wake up! (109kb) While Niki loaded up her backpack Jamie took some pictures of the wash in which we camped last night. (99kb) The hike to what we hoped would be a petroglyph area was like hiking through a garden. (109kb) 04.jpg (157kb) Unfortunately, this desert tortoise didn't get to experience this unusual spring bloom. (160kb)
07.jpg (107kb) You're looking at what we called Easter Wash at the point where it drops into a deep box canyon. (113kb) Looking down into the canyon formed by Easter Wash. (93kb) At the drop-off we found our first petroglyph. (144kb) We examined likely spots as worked up the wash. (96kb)
This was the first grouping of pertroglyphs that we found. (92kb) This second site had some newer petroglyphs in conjunction with some that had experienced revarnishing. (124kb) 14.jpg (99kb) 15.jpg (101kb) The walls of the wash grew taller as we approached the junction of a side wash with the main wash. (106kb)
The flowers in this area were spectacular. (185kb) 18.jpg (173kb) 19.jpg (77kb) The stillness was broken by the drone of a plane that dropped down for a look. (16kb) The washes were alive with swift running zebra-tail lizards. (189kb)
It was at this juncture of the two washes, which we called the 23.jpg (135kb) 24.jpg (129kb) 25.jpg (94kb) 26.jpg (115kb)
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