Eastern Sierra Rock Art 

When we heard that the Kern County Archaeology Society was doing a field trip, we couldn't sign up fast enough! First of all, the dynamic duo of Jack and Gale Sprague, both noted archaeologists, would be leading the outing. Second, the locations to be explored sounded great with the first day spent visiting pictograph sites in the Eastern Sierras and then a shift to Little Lake where we could look forward to two days of prowling the numerous rock art sites in this fantastic and normally off limits location. Finally, the members of this society are absolutely the most wonderful folks that you could imagine and their hospitality is only overshadowed by their incredible cooking skills! The last trip that we joined was a real eye opener and turning point in our own approach to wilderness cooking.
So this morning finds us heading up winding Highway 178 toward Walker Pass and the rendezvous at the Canebrake Cafe. We're already enjoying the cooler temperatures as we twist our way into the Sierras. We're also excited to be taking our new Xterra Off Road out for its first trip. We're hoping that it will prove to be an equally capable successor to our now retired Toyota Tacoma. If you like hunting for enigmatic pictograph sites and at the same time enjoying the cool comfort of high elevations, rushing streams and lush meadows, then today's trip is for you. Just click on the photo link below to follow us to Canebrake and the start of another marvelous KCAS field trip!