Gold Basin 

Wash is quite sandy and the route is only passable in a four
wheel drive vehicle. In addition to numerous varieties
of cacti in bloom, we made a discovery! High on the west
side of the wash there is an area of what appears to be petrified
sea bed material along with petrified palm. Apparently
much of this area was once seabed and later marsh. There
is an identified outcrop of Paleozoic coral to the east of
our hilltop find. It's near Midway Well and is
described as containing examples of Chaetetes, or tabulate
corals. They are described as being grey and white, which
fits with the coloration of what we found. Of course
we could be completely wrong, but we had lots of fun prowling
there we worked back to Buzzards Peak and launched an assault
on its summit. On the way up we found lots of interesting
plants and got some great shots from near the top. Then
it was back to Highway 78 for another two miles or so before
once again turning east, this time into the Gold Basin area. Here
we found some old shafts and tunnels and evidence of a primitive
arrastre for processing ore. There are several quartz
veins in the area and it looks as if gold was indeed the lure here. We
continued further east to the end of the trail and found other
prospect pits, some having rocks stained with copper minerals
and containing quartz crystals.

a sound sleep in our tent that night, we began the trek home. As
we left the Glamis dunes we were treated to vistas of wildflowers
stretching into the distance. What a great spot! Check
it out for yourself by clicking on the photo link below.