Harper Flat: The Return

The start of the hike at the Pinyon Canyon trailhead. (89kb) some boulder scrambling the canyon opened into a sandy wash. (66kb) The canyon exits into the northwest corner of Harper Flat.  Jamie scouts the area with her monocular. (86kb) Looking south into Harper Flat. (94kb) This area looks promising. (89kb)
Hey, I think we found a village site. (135kb) Pottery pieces and morteros were everywhere.  (These were placed here by prior visitors.) (170kb) Keeping our noses to the ground turned up numerous additional pieces. (209kb) This mortero made a good potty place for a large feline. (145kb) In case you wanted a closer look. (157kb)
desert chicory (82kb) Looking south from the village site. (105kb) 11.jpg (147kb) 12.jpg (114kb) 13.jpg (157kb)
14.jpg (141kb) desert dandelion (69kb) Bee visiting wild heliotrope. (54kb) 17.jpg (139kb) The leaves of these plants are a vibrant fuschia. (137kb)
19.jpg (80kb) 20.jpg (156kb) After a while every pointed rock becomes a spear point. (177kb) 22.jpg (168kb) The abundant nipple cacti were almost ready to bloom. (128kb)
This partially opened desert chicory shows off some striking purple stripes. (50kb) 25.jpg (63kb) 26.jpg (135kb) 27.jpg (103kb) Numerous patches of chia were found in and around the village site. (191kb)
29.jpg (40kb) We descend from the rocky area to the flats and continue to find evidence of habitation. (88kb) There were several small grinding stones in this area. (167kb) 32.jpg (171kb) Niki scans the ground for pottery. (125kb)
Jamie stumbles upon what appears to be a delicate obsidian arrowhead. (145kb) 35.jpg (32kb) As clouds build in the afternoon, we again enter the mouth of Pinyon Canyon for our return trip. (135kb) While exploring a group of boulders, Niki spots a plate from a desert tortoise. (122kb) Closer examination turns up pieces of shell attached to bone.  Looks like this tortoise was dinner. (38kb)
Niki finds a nipple cactus in bloom. (125kb) 40.jpg (193kb) 41.jpg (170kb) 42.jpg (116kb) 43.jpg (105kb)
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