Havasu Canyon Backpack Adventure 

Pictures are a dangerous thing. Not only are they worth a thousand words but we'll toss in a thousand emotions as well. The first photos that we saw from Havasu Canyon were all that it took. We had to go there. The images of thunderous falls, blue green water, red rock canyons and deep blue skies couldn't be ignored. We also liked the fact that you couldn't just drive there. There are no roads. You either take a helicopter to the village of Supai and then hike down another two miles to the campground, take a mule train down or hike the whole ten miles carrying all your gear on your back. That last choice resonated the most with us. Any other way down would just dilute the whole experience. We wanted to put our boots on rock and sand, feel the sweat run off our foreheads, hear the creak of our packs, and sense the subtle changes of light, color, and temperature. Niki's mom and her sister Joyce also fell victim to the lure of the photos and a trip was born. Hiking permits and camping reservations were arranged with the Havasupai tribe as well as getting a week off work from cooperative employers. We're going on an adventure!
As always, you're more than welcome to shoulder your cyber backpack and join us! Head out to the kitchen and make up some sandwiches and grab a couple of energy bars, though, 'cause you're going to be camped in front of your computer for five days! And we have a hunch that after this virtual trip you just might want to do the real thing! If so, all the information that you'll need can be accessed at the Havasupai tribe's website.
Well, here we are! The view from the trailhead on Hualapai Hilltop is not only breathtaking but also intimidating. The trail drops thousands of feet in writhing switchbacks to the canyon below. Can we really do this? It's time to take that first step and find out!