Horse Tanks - Kofa National Wildlife Refuge, Arizona

We’re getting close now! After leaving the Big Eye Mine around noon, we’ve retraced our route back to Highway 95, headed north to Stone Cabin and then west on King Valley Road to take us back into the Kofa Refuge. The turn off to Horse Tanks seemed to come up quickly but since then the road has been a bit more cantankerous. We like ‘em that way! Already, we’re agreeing that our choice to camp near Horse Tanks for the night is an outstanding one. The scenery is once again spectacular and we’re looking forward to exploring the natural tanks that have long provided life saving water for both prehistoric folk and wildlife alike. We’ve even heard rumors of a rock shelter near the tanks that contains some petroglyphs. Definitely our kind of place! “Niki, pull over right there!” This spot looks like the perfect campsite. It’s only a bit over a quarter mile to the tanks and is within the maximum 100’ distance from the road that’s required in the refuge. Since it’s late afternoon already, we want to grab our cameras and packs and do some exploring before it gets too dark. Do you want to come along with us? We’d love to have you join in! Just grab a warm jacket, snuggle deeper into the recliner, and click on the photo link.
You can check out a slideshow of the trip below. It includes a deer video captured with the Bushnell Trophy Cam and more deer photos taken with the Reconyx PC90HO Covert Pro wildlife camera.
You can also jump right to the deer footage in the video.