Iron King Mine

1994 the Palen-McCoy Mountains Wilderness Area was established.
This effectively closed the area to motorized travel. So it was
with great interest that we read an article by Delmer Ross in
the March 2002 issue of Rockhound
Notes. He relates that few people are aware that at the
time the wilderness area was established there was still an
access corridor to the Iron King Mine. Therefore this corridor
still exists, even though the mine is closed. This iron ore
strip mine had never proved profitable, but now it makes a
nice weekend destination for a bit of rockhounding and exploring.
We were there in late April,
and the weather was perfect.
Directions are
simple. Take Interstate 10 toward Blythe and exit at the Ford
Dry lake turnoff. Turn north over the freeway then left to pick
up the frontage road that travels west parallel to the freeway – back
the way you came. This road is covered in blow sand. You can probably
do it in two wheel drive but to be on the safe side we’d
recommend four wheel drive. At the end of this road you will
turn north toward the Palen Mountains. The road gradually becomes
firmer as you approach the mine location. There are a couple
of washes to cross, but nothing extreme. Finally, the road begins
to climb. Just as it does, notice a fine campsite in the wash
to your right. We spent a glorious evening there in our tent.
We even left you some firewood! The road climbs a ridge to an
elevation of about 700 feet. As you reach the top it levels off.
To your left is the bowl shaped valley (33.042.43N by 115.006.44W)
in front of the staircase strip mine. On your right are some
great views of the way you came, with the Chuckwalla Mountains
in the distance. In the evening the traffic on I-10 looks like
a procession of fireflies! Also on your right you will notice
an outcrop of white quartz. This vein travels from down the wash
up to the ridge you are on, under the road, and up the hills
on your left. You can dig along this vein or search anywhere
for quartz outcrops or for float. You will find clusters as well
as single crystals. We also found some very nice yellow-tan jasp
agate down the wash to your right, along the quartz vein. This
material has narrow veins of white agate against a mottled background
of yellow and tan which provides some nice effects. Delmer Ross
also mentioned the possibility of smoky quartz crystals and citrine
crystals, although we didn’t locate any.
As always, be prepared. Although you can just see the freeway, it is a long way. Few people know of this location. We saw nobody for two days. As I recall there was no cell phone service. Your CB radio might reach the truckers on the freeway; we didn’t try. The campsite is typical wilderness. Bring your own everything and plan to take ever last bit with you – except the extra firewood. That might come in handy for the next visitor!