Joshua Tree: Contact Mine, Pinto Wye Arrastra and Wall Street Mill

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To the right you can see the two stamp battery with one stamp down.  In front of that is the amalgamation table where gold would be extracted from the crushed ore as it passed over copper plates coated with mercury.  In the foreground, with the bucket on it, is a Meyer concentration table.  This is an additional process where gold would be trapped in the wooden riffles of the slanted table as it shook back and forth.

To the right you can see the two stamp battery with one stamp down. In front of that is the amalgamation table where gold would be extracted from the crushed ore as it passed over copper plates coated with mercury. In the foreground, with the bucket on it, is a Meyer concentration table. This is an additional process where gold would be trapped in the wooden riffles of the slanted table as it shook back and forth.

92 of 130