Lavic Jasper 

If you ask any rockhound where the Mojave's most colorful jasper can be found, Lavic Siding will be on the short list. For decades, rockhounds have driven across the tracks and down the Lavic Lake road to access this remarkable location. Red, yellow and orange jasper with blue and white quartz stringers is still found in profusion as float in this spot. We had our rock hammers and spray bottles. The Dzrtgrls were ready! Our plan was to spend Saturday morning and early afternoon roaming the little mesas and gullies to the east of the brooding Pisgah Cinder Cone, and then move further south to explore the north part of Lavic Lake. We had no plan for a campsite, but knew that something would turn up.. It always does in the desert.
If you've ever wondered what can be found in this area, get your mouse ready and join us! We'll give you a visual tour and show you a few samples from our collecting bags. We'll also show you what we turned up in the lava "coves" formed as Pisgah Crater sent its inky, twisted flow onto Lavic Dry Lake. You'll be surprised, at least we were! If you cyber rockhounds are ready, you can start by clicking on the photo link below!