Marl Spring - Mojave National Preserve 

In the 1850's and '60's, the old Indian trade route once trod by Father Francisco Garces in 1776 has now become a major artery for wagon trains heading west. In order to protect this important trail from depredation by the local Paiute Indians, a lonely Army outpost is constructed in 1867 at Marl Spring, an important water source along what is now known as the Mojave Road. Camp Marl Springs is eventually abandoned in 1868, but if you look closely you can still find remains of the corral, headquarters structure and the old dugouts that served as living quarters. The life giving spring still provides water for local wildlife and near it is an old arrastra once used to crush the gold bearing ore from several nearby mines. If you love history, or just the magic of a desert morning, click on the photo link below to visit this spot. Who knows, in this magical time between night and day, you might just hear the ghostly creak of saddles and the clear bugle notes that unleash the charge of a column of 150 soldiers who, in 1867, make their daring dawn raid through Indian ranks to save the small force that's been besieged overnight by a stout force of Paiutes!