Mount San Gorgonio, also known as Old Grayback, rises to a rocky summit at a lofty 11, 501.6 feet. This makes it the tallest mountain in Southern California, and a popular hiking destination. There are many different routes which eventually lead to the summit. We chose the shortest one, the Vivian Creek Trail, resulting in a round trip distance of about 16 miles. It is, however, also the steepest, gaining about 5,500 feet in a little under eight miles. We decided to make a two day trip of it with an overnight at High Creek. If, like us, you feel like stretching your legs and gulping in that crisp mountain air redolent with the fragrance of pine, then load up that backpack! There will be some pristine creeks, towering pines, expansive views and even a surprise for us on the summit! If you want to scout it out first, you can click on the photo link below.