A Rare Find - Joshua Tree National Park 

In 1898, in a remote mountain canyon, a small mill was built to process ore from the surrounding mines. It was a Chilean mill, and used two thick iron rimmed wheels whose interior had been filled with cement around a central axle to crush ore rather than using drag stones as in a more traditional arrastra. Four dry stacked stone cabins were built at the site, and up on a nearby hillside a dry stacked stone fireplace was crafted against a large boulder. Around 1914 the mill ceased work. Lunch pails, baking powder tins, stove parts, woven steel mattress, sardine cans, bottle fragments, crucibles and enigmatic forged iron parts, all were left behind. Trails to the site weathered and became indistinct. Only a few stumbled upon the remains over the gulf of years. We were among those who wandered off of the trails and came upon this spot. Click on the photo link below to join us for a trip back in time to this rare site.