Red Cloud Mine

The directions
to this old mine are very simple. Take Interstate 10 east past
Chiriaco Summit and exit at the Red Cloud Mine Road. You will then
travel generally south east to the mouth of Red Cloud Canyon. This
is a great trip in the spring. When we were there we found lots
of color and quite a variety of healthy looking cactus. This section
to the mouth of Red Cloud Canyon can easily be done in a two wheel drive
There is a nice level area just before you enter the canyon
which is a perfect campsite. There are several intact rock fire rings
and plenty of spots to put up the tent. This area is at roughly
33*36.904N and 115*27.456W.

From this
area on, though, a short wheel base 4X4 would be the vehicle of
choice. There are lots of large rocks in the wash to maneuver around,
and this makes for slow going. Conditions, however, vary from year
to year depending on flash flooding in the wash itself. That caution
aside, we found it to be a nice drive with a few challenges at times. As
soon as you drop into the wash be on the look out for some old mine and
mill ruins coming up on your right. We hiked up to them for some
exploring and were really glad that we did. Not only are the ruins
impressive, but there are also some large quartz veins in the area. The
real treat came in a small package, a baby desert tortoise! She
must have been part mountain goat 'cause she was up in a rocky
area behind the ruins. We were tempted to move her, but knew that
any intervention with a desert tortoise is prohibited. We
took a couple of pictures, wished her a long life, and headed back down
to the car. She was three and three quarters of an inch long and
looked so fragile.
As we continued
up the wash we found several rock foundations, an arrastre, and a shaft
up on the left. On the right, just opposite but across the wash,
was an adit to explore. Old cans, broken glass, and bits of wire and
nails attested to the life that once animated this now silent area. One
of the foundations still had its soot stained fireplace intact. After
a bit more creative driving we saw the cyanide tanks of the Red Cloud
Mine on our right. There is also a large can dump and both wood
and concrete ruins. Just opposite the tanks is the side canyon
leading to the Red Cloud Mine area. There are several shafts and
adits, but the general area is close to 33*36.139N and 115*26.286W. You
can drive up the side canyon and then explore on foot. A hike up
to the two shafts results in some great views, and for those who don't
want to defy gravity as much you can check out the two adits, one is
quite large and goes in a long way. The floor is a bit muddy, though. The
other adit ends quickly at the bottom of one of the shafts. There
is a lot of old machinery busily rusting here and there.

There is
still more to see, though, so continue on up the canyon. You will
come to the remains of old wood structures up on your left, stone foundations
on your right, a rock cabin, an old arrastre, and our favorite, the pay
phone! Obviously it's not hooked up, but someone managed to drag
a pay phone out here and set it up. It has been pretty well shot
up, but still makes a good photo opportunity! There are other old
mines in the area, such as the Great Western, and if you have a really
capable vehicle you can go even further up the canyon on either the left
or right fork. We'll probably be back because we simply didn't
have time to see everything we wanted. After we win the lottery
we'll have more free time..........!