Sagenite agate, or agate with needle-like inclusions, has long been a favorite among rockhounds. We knew that our return route from the Lost Lake area was going to take us right past one of the classic collection sites for this material. We couldn't pass up this opportunity. We first became acquainted with Sagenite Canyon when we read a 1976 article by Mary Frances Strong in Desert Magazine. The article was titled "Sagenite in the Owlshead Mountains." In it we read of the deposits of golden, white, black and lavender sagenite. We were euphoric, at least until reality set in and we realized that this site that has seen collectors since the 1940's was now a part of Death Valley National Park and therefore off limits to rock collectors. However, we were still curious and decided to break up our long trip back to civilization by making a stop here and seeing what this colorful little canyon had to offer. We're really glad that we did. The canyon is not only quite scenic, but also contains flat and well protected areas suitable for camping. You can clearly see the old diggings from the past, as well as trails leading to collecting areas up the side canyons. We ended up spending several hours tramping around and checking things out. We tried to take some pictures of the rough material before we returned it to the ground. Even though our photo efforts were mostly futile, you can still begin to see what beautiful cabochons could be cut and polished if collecting was still permitted. If you're looking for a cozy campsite far from the crowds and want a scenic location where you can hike the hills and admire the rocks, this is it. Check it out for yourself by clicking on the photo link below.