Santiago Truck Trail Geocaching 

The seemingly incessant rains here in Southern California had finally ceased. The parched hills had magically transformed into colorful patchwork fields of wildflowers, and the Dzrtgrls had a new GPS! Obviously, the logical place to test out the etrek Vista would be up in those colorful hills! The Santiago Truck Trail winds its way into the Santa Ana Mountains from the top of the Modjeska Grade and looked like a good choice. It is a popular trail for mountain bikers as well as us slower hikers. We planned to hike as far as Vulture Crags and to try to find as many of the ten caches that dotted the trail as possible. The round trip distance was only around seven miles, but those
pesky cache hiders had located them up on steep, seldom used side trails to avoid the prying eyes of the muggles. Consequently, we got a good workout! The caches ranged from micros to macros and from easy to devilish. We ended up only finding seven of the ten, but we had a great time. Watch out for the ticks, though! To join us click on the photo link below. If you would like more information about geocaching click here.