Silver Canyon and the Sacramento Mine 

Bishop, California, is a high energy little town sandwiched between the Sierras and the White Mountains. Today we're going to visit two spots not too far from town. The first is Silver Canyon on the western flank of the White Mountains. We heard that there's a resident herd of Bighorn sheep that frequent the canyon. So far the only Bighorns that we've seen have been mere specks on the horizon that would take a telescope to resolve into a decent image. In addition to the lure of the Bighorns, there's also a geocache up near the end of the canyon. The second spot is the Sacramento Mine, also on the western edge of the White Mountains but up near Chalfant. This mine began operations in the 1880's and continued to be active into the 1940's. This spot also has a resident geocache to test our GPS skills, but the real draw is the old ruins, historic artifacts, a more recent cabin that's still standing, and a scenic loading bin perched on the side of a cliff and connected via tramway to a substantial structure high on the hillside above. We're excited to be on vacation for the next week and these two locations seem like a great way to spend the afternoon before heading into Nevada for the rest of our vacation time. So get on your virtual camouflage gear and snap that big telephoto lens on your camera, we're going to start by trying to find those Bighorns!