MNP: Exploring the Southern Granite Mountains 

Boulders. Granite boulders. Lots of 'em. That's all that we can see through the windshield of the Lizardmobile as we slowly jounce uphill toward the base of the southern slopes of the Granite Mountains. It's hard to imagine that we'll find much of anything in such a harsh environment. However, we already know that there's a spring in the upper reaches of one of the washes and that's going to be our first goal for the day. We also know that there should be plenty of wildflowers in bloom at this time of year. Our other goal, and the main reason that we've come here, is because this area was once prime real estate for prehistoric Indians. Water, as well as ample vegetable and animal food sources, made it possible for the flourishing of a substantial population over a long period of time. Evidence of this occupation takes many forms. We're hoping to be able to find some of the pictographs that have been hidden away in rock shelters amidst this vast expanse of boulders. It's going to be the proverbial hunt for the needle in the haystack and we realize that we may not be successful. Other evidence of prehistoric habitation could come in the form of petroglyphs, lithic scatters and pottery fragments. We'll keep an eye out for all of them! Hey, why don't you come along, too? We can use all the help we can get! Just grab your virtual daypack and click on the photo link below!