Tungsten Flat, Vontrigger Hills and a Granite Mountain Spring 

The noisy ghost that haunted our campsite last night either lost interest or got blown into the next county by the strong winds. In either case, we had a snug night and dawn finds us straggling awake and getting ready for the day ahead. Our campsite is in Tungsten Flat, northeast of the Leiser Ray Mine and just east of Billie Mountain. The Tungsten Flat Mining District was a tungsten and gold producing collection of small claims. Today we'll check out a few of them, most notably the Lord and Irish, which has a pretty impressive artifact scatter indicating that it must have been a bustling little camp. After that we'll head due west, cross Sacramento Wash, and visit the Vontrigger Hills again. In addition to checking out the pictograph site we visited last time, we'll also find some new petroglyphs and a couple of nearby pottery pieces. The big find of the day is an old miner's shelter. It's built around an old rock shelter and there's also a small rock dam which creates a water catchment basin. Another larger natural shelter nearby hints at past Indian use with a nice sized pottery fragment. Finally, we'll head over to the Granite Mountains to check out a spring site and some historic inscriptions. To join Guy and Alysia, Dezdan and the Dzrtgrls in this potpourri of desert offerings, all you have to do is click on the photo link below.