JTNP: Eagle Mountains Mines, Cabins and Ruins - Hard Diggings Mine

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We decide to skip showing you the hiking photos from along the way to the Hard Diggings Mine.  It's a struggle.  We also run out of water just as we approach the mine.  Since it's getting late in the afternoon now, the temperatures are dropping and if we're quick here we should be able to make it back to the Jeep.  As you can see in this photo, we've come across a rock walled level spot where a tent cabin would have stood and have spotted another similar but larger one in the distance.

We decide to skip showing you the hiking photos from along the way to the Hard Diggings Mine. It's a struggle. We also run out of water just as we approach the mine. Since it's getting late in the afternoon now, the temperatures are dropping and if we're quick here we should be able to make it back to the Jeep. As you can see in this photo, we've come across a rock walled level spot where a tent cabin would have stood and have spotted another similar but larger one in the distance.

4 of 44