The Eagle Mountains, east of Joshua Tree National Park, are known primarily for their vast iron deposits. It wasn't always that way. In 1890, a promising gold and copper mine was discovered. Over the years a variety of owners installed equipment including a small mill, a fifty-ton cyanide plant, engines and hoists, a blacksmith shop, assay office, ore bin and so on. Water was obtained from an ambitious eighteen mile long pipeline to Cottonwood Springs. The mine proved to be a good producer, but eventually it was abandoned.
Today, the slumbering scenic ruins of this mine offer mute testimony to the spirit of those early miners. Our visit was too brief, but we'd like to share with you what we saw. Although we won't directly name this mine, it can readily be obtained by research into the mining history of the Eagle Mountains. Getting there, however, is not that easy. Clicking on the photo link below will solve that problem! You'll be there in no time!
here for photos.